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What are Thespys?

Thespys are an annual International Thespian Society event. #OhFallThesFest23 holds the regional competition.  Those that earn Double Superior are invited to perform at Spring Conference and attend the International Thespian Festival to represent themselves, their troupe, and Ohio (extra prices apply).


Available in performance, film and technical/design categories, students have the chance to receive feedback and ratings from theatre educators.


You must belong to an active Ohio Thespian Troupe to participate.


Click here for the Thespy guidebook.

Thespy Performance Categories

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  • Monologue

  • Duet Acting

  • Group Acting

  • Solo Musical Theatre

  • Duet Musical Theatre

  • Group Musical Theatre

  • Solo Musical Theatre Dance

  • Group Musical Theatre Dance



  • Costume Design

  • Costume Construction

  • Scene Design

  • Lighting Design

  • Sound Design

  • Theatre Marketing

  • Makeup Design

  • Stage Management



  • Short Film (Live-Action)

  • Short Animated Film

  • Short Documentary Film



  • Playwriting

Who can participate?

Any student who attends a high school or middle school in Ohio that is associated with an  Thespian Troupe is eligible to register and participate. Students may register for multiple events but may not register more than once per solo event. For example, a student can compete in monologue, light design, and solo musical, but can NOT compete twice in solo musical.

You can learn more about Thespys at the International Competition here.

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