The NE Ohio Area Thespian Conference will be held on Saturday, January 27, 2024. It will be held at the Akron School for the Arts @ Firestone CLC (470 Castle Blvd) and will features hands-on workshops, performances of one-act plays and cuttings, and plenty of fun theatre activities.
Northeast Ohio Area Thespian Conference

What to Expect

The NE Ohio Area Thespian Conference is designed to be a happy, low-stress one day of theatre and fun.
Last year's conference was hosted by Garfield CLC in Akron and featured performance and tech/design workshops, a performance of a one-act play, and an informal cabaret performance where Thespians could share their talents in an informal, supportive venue.
Troupe directors met and discussed the upcoming state conference as well as the successes and challenges of presenting theatre in their home schools.
The area conference is the best place to "dip your toe in" and find out what Thespian conferences can be. Even if you can only bring one or two students, please attend the NE Ohio Area Thespian Conference.